Authentic Indonesian Nasi Goreng Recipe: How to Make this Delicious Fried Rice Dish at Home

Learn how to make authentic Indonesian-style nasi goreng at home with our step-by-step recipe.

            Indonesian-style fried rice, or nasi goreng, is a popular dish in Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia. It's a flavorful and satisfying meal that can be enjoyed any time of day, and it's easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the ingredients and preparation steps for nasi goreng, so you can make it yourself and enjoy its delicious taste.


To make nasi goreng, you'll need the following ingredients:

Cooked rice: You can use any type of rice, but it's best to use leftover rice that has been refrigerated overnight.

Protein: This can be chicken, shrimp, tofu, or any other protein of your choice.

Vegetables: Common vegetables used in nasi goreng include onion, garlic, carrot, and green onion.

Spices: Soy sauce, chili paste, and kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) are the most commonly used spices in nasi goreng.

Garnishes: Fried egg, sliced cucumber, and tomato are popular garnishes for nasi goreng.


Cook the rice: If you're using fresh rice, cook it according to the package instructions and let it cool. If you're using leftover rice, remove it from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature.

Prepare the protein: Cut the protein into small pieces and season it with salt and pepper. Cook it in a wok or large frying pan with a little oil until it's browned and cooked through. Remove it from the pan and set it aside.

Prepare the vegetables: Chop the onion, garlic, carrot, and green onion into small pieces. Heat some oil in the same pan you used for the protein and sauté the vegetables until they're soft and fragrant.

Add the rice: Once the vegetables are cooked, add the rice to the pan and stir it well to combine with the vegetables.

Add the spices: Add the soy sauce, chili paste, and kecap manis to the pan and stir well to combine.

Add the protein: Add the cooked protein back into the pan and stir it into the rice mixture.

Serve: Serve the nasi goreng hot, with a fried egg on top and sliced cucumber and tomato on the side.


Now that you've prepared all the ingredients for nasi goreng, it's time to cook the dish. Here's how to do it:

Heat a little oil in a wok or large frying pan over high heat.

Add the chopped onion and garlic and sauté until they're soft and fragrant.

Add the chopped carrot and sauté for a few more minutes, until it's slightly softened.

Add the cooked protein and sauté for a few more minutes, until it's heated through.

Add the cooked rice and stir well to combine with the other ingredients.

Add the soy sauce, chili paste, and kecap manis to the pan and stir well to combine.

Cook the nasi goreng for a few more minutes, stirring constantly, until it's hot and well combined.

Serve the nasi goreng hot, with a fried egg on top and sliced cucumber and tomato on the side.


Nasi goreng is typically served with a fried egg on top and sliced cucumber and tomato on the side. You can also serve it with a side of sambal, which is an Indonesian chili paste that adds an extra layer of heat and flavor to the dish. To make sambal, simply blend together fresh chilies, garlic, shallots, and a little sugar and salt until it forms a smooth paste.

Another popular way to serve nasi goreng is with a side of krupuk, which are Indonesian-style crackers made from shrimp or other seafood. These crackers are typically deep-fried and provide a satisfying crunch that pairs well with the flavors of the nasi goreng.


Indonesian-style fried rice, or nasi goreng, is a delicious and easy-to-make dish that can be enjoyed any time of day. With its combination of rice, protein, vegetables, and spices, nasi goreng is a well-balanced meal that is sure to satisfy. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can make nasi goreng at home and enjoy its delicious taste for yourself. Don't forget to experiment with different ingredients and spices to find your own perfect version of this classic Indonesian dish!

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