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Australian Woman Loses $2.9 Million in 4 Hours After Being Targeted by Scammers

While preparing spaghetti in her kitchen, she received a phone call that would change her life forever.
"Scammer called Jenny on her home phone number in early May 2023, and successfully drained her savings in Commonwealth Bank, amounting to nearly 300,000 US dollars or approximately 3 billion Indonesian Rupiah. (ABC NEWS/LORETTA FLORANCE via ABC INDONESIA)"
"Scammer called Jenny on her home phone number in early May 2023, and successfully drained her savings in Commonwealth Bank, amounting to nearly 300,000 US dollars or approximately 3 billion Indonesian Rupiah. (ABC NEWS/LORETTA FLORANCE via ABC INDONESIA)"


Jenny, an Australian woman, found herself in a nightmare that haunted her for the past two years. While preparing spaghetti in her kitchen, she received a phone call that would change her life forever. This article explores Jenny's unfortunate experience, shedding light on the tactics used by scammers and the challenges faced by both the victims and law enforcement agencies.

Deceptive Call from a Fake Bank Employee

Jenny received a call on her home phone, despite her personal number not being listed in the directory. The caller claimed to be an employee of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and informed Jenny that her account was compromised. Alarmed, Jenny rushed to her workspace and accessed her internet banking.

Manipulating Trust and Exploiting Fear

Jenny discovered five suspicious transactions, including three to businesses in Shanghai. The caller convinced her that someone was attempting to hack her bank account and requested her assistance in securing her computer. Although hesitant, Jenny recognized the program, TeamViewer, as she had used it before for remote IT support. Trusting the caller, she followed their instructions.

The Devastating Outcome

After providing the requested token codes and reading them aloud, Jenny's account became locked, leaving her in a state of panic. Four hours after the initial call, exhausted and bewildered, Jenny finally hung up and contacted her bank. The realization hit her hard; she had unwittingly given the scammer 31 token codes, allowing them to transfer $10,000 per code. Only one transaction was stopped, while the remaining $2.9 million (AUD) was stolen.

Overwhelmed Authorities

Jenny reported the incident to the Victoria Police, joining a long list of victims of fraud. Detective Marc Callegaro, assigned to her case, expressed the overwhelming nature of dealing with such scams. With the assistance of the bank, Detective Marc quickly traced the funds to 11 recipient accounts in BankWest and Westpac Bank. However, many perpetrators were individuals of Indian origin residing in Australia, making it difficult to pursue legal action once they left the country.

Banking Challenges in Combatting Scams

Revealing the prevalence of fraudulent activities, reports suggest that scammers exploit Australian banking systems, using recipient accounts to launder money overseas. These accounts, known as "penampung," play a crucial role in economic scams, resulting in significant financial losses for the country. Banks face the challenge of identifying and blocking such accounts promptly.

Inadequate Detection Measures

Banks have launched new tools to facilitate faster communication regarding fraudulent activities. However, in Jenny's case, the majority of her funds were swiftly transferred overseas. Although Jenny was angry that her account remained active for five days after the scam, the bank stated that the withdrawals occurred after the request to freeze the account.

Seeking Compensation and Raising Awareness

While Jenny received partial reimbursement and a goodwill payment from the Commonwealth Bank, she advocates for legal requirements mandating banks to compensate fraud victims, except in cases of extreme negligence. With their retirement funds depleted, Jenny and her husband now face financial struggles and aim to be self-reliant, avoiding reliance on public funds.


Jenny's story serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the devastating impact of scams and the challenges faced by both victims and law enforcement agencies. As scammers continue to exploit vulnerabilities, it becomes imperative for individuals, banks, and authorities to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to combat these fraudulent activities.

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The best of humanity is the one who is most beneficial to others. When someone has passed away, their deeds are severed except for three things: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for their paren…
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