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Erdogan Wins Turkey's Presidential Election for the Third Term, Promises Unity

Recep Tayyip Erdogan emerged victorious in the second round of Turkey's presidential election held on Sunday, May 28, 2023.
The photo, taken and released by the Turkish Presidential Press Office on May 28, 2023, shows Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressing his supporters gathered outside his residence after his victory in the Turkish presidential election in the Kisikli district of Istanbul. The Chairman of the Turkish Electoral Commission declared President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the winner of the historic second-round election on May 28, 2023, extending his term in office for 20 years until 2028. (MURAT CETIN MUHURDAR/TURKISH PRESIDEN PRESS SERVICE/AFP)
The photo, taken and released by the Turkish Presidential Press Office on May 28, 2023, shows Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressing his supporters gathered outside his residence after his victory in the Turkish presidential election in the Kisikli district of Istanbul. The Chairman of the Turkish Electoral Commission declared President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the winner of the historic second-round election on May 28, 2023, extending his term in office for 20 years until 2028. (MURAT CETIN MUHURDAR/TURKISH PRESIDEN PRESS SERVICE/AFP)


Recep Tayyip Erdogan emerged victorious in the second round of Turkey's presidential election held on Sunday, May 28, 2023. The official results indicate that Erdogan secured 52.1 percent of the votes, while his opponent, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, garnered 47.9 percent. This victory extends Erdogan's reign in Turkey until 2028, marking his third consecutive presidential term.

Erdogan's Triumph and Consolidation of Power:

Erdogan's triumph in this year's election marks his third consecutive victory over the span of two decades. He was first elected as the President of Turkey in 2014, following his tenure as the Prime Minister since 2003. This election has been perceived as one of the most crucial for Turkey. The opposition believed they had a strong chance to overthrow Erdogan and reverse his policies amidst a crisis of cost of living. However, Erdogan's victory solidifies his invincible image, having transformed domestic, economic, security, and foreign policies in the NATO member country with an 85-million-strong population.

Commitment to Unity and National Values:

As reported by Reuters, in his victory speech in Ankara, Erdogan pledged to leave behind all disputes and unite behind national values and dreams. However, he later launched an attack on the opposition, accusing Kilicdaroglu of siding with terrorists without providing evidence. Erdogan emphasized that under his government, the release of former pro-Kurdish party leader Selahattin Demirtas, whom he branded as a "terrorist," would not be possible. Erdogan identified inflation as the most urgent issue in Turkey.

Controversial Election and Kilicdaroglu's Response:

Meanwhile, Kemal Kilicdaroglu referred to this presidential election as the most unfair in recent years. However, he did not dispute the outcome. Kilicdaroglu's defeat is likely to be mourned by Turkey's NATO allies, who are concerned about Erdogan's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Reports suggest that Putin has already congratulated his "friend" Erdogan on his victory in the 2023 Turkish presidential election.

US President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter, "I look forward to continuing to work together as NATO allies on bilateral issues and shared global challenges."


Recep Tayyip Erdogan's victory in Turkey's presidential election for the third consecutive term cements his position as the country's leader until 2028. Despite opposition claims of an unfair election, Erdogan remains steadfast in his commitment to unity and national values. As Turkey moves forward, the international community closely observes Erdogan's policies and his relationship with other world leaders, particularly President Putin.

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