Germany Urges China to Utilize Its Influence in Ending the Russia-Ukraine War

Germany has called upon China to leverage its considerable influence over Russia in order to help bring an end to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
"The Ukrainian army fired French-made self-propelled howitzers, CAESAR, towards Russian positions near Avdiivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine, on Monday, January 26, 2023. (AP PHOTO/LIBKOS)"
"The Ukrainian army fired French-made self-propelled howitzers, CAESAR, towards Russian positions near Avdiivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine, on Monday, January 26, 2023. (AP PHOTO/LIBKOS)"


In a significant diplomatic move, Germany has called upon China to leverage its considerable influence over Russia in order to help bring an end to the ongoing war in Ukraine. This appeal was made by the German Foreign Minister, Andrea Michaelis, during a visit by China's Special Envoy, Li Hui, on Friday, May 26, 2023. Li, who aimed to introduce China's negotiation efforts to resolve the conflict, had recently concluded a two-day trip to Kyiv before visiting Germany as part of his European tour.

Germany's Plea for Chinese Intervention

During Li's stay in Berlin, extensive discussions were held with Minister Michaelis, during which Germany strongly urged China to exert pressure on Russia to promptly cease its aggressive actions and fully withdraw from Ukraine. A spokesperson from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that Germany appealed to China not to support Russia militarily and to assist in preventing any escalation of the nuclear conflict. The spokesperson further added, "Both parties have agreed to continue their professional discussions concerning Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine."

Close Relations Between Russia and China

Russia and China have maintained a close relationship, with President Xi Jinping visiting Moscow in March 2023 and stating that the bilateral ties between the two nations have entered a new era. However, the current situation in Ukraine has put a strain on China's position as it faces criticism for refusing to condemn the invasion while claiming neutrality. European Union politicians have expressed doubts regarding China's published proposal, viewing it as an attempt to secure peace in Ukraine.

China's Stance and Criticisms

China insists that it remains a neutral party in the Ukrainian conflict. However, its refusal to denounce the invasion has drawn considerable criticism. The European Union has expressed doubts regarding the credibility of the proposal published by China, believing it to be aimed at securing peace in Ukraine. Beijing, on the other hand, maintains that the document is intended to contribute to the peaceful resolution of the crisis.


Germany's appeal to China to utilize its influence with Russia in bringing an end to the Russia-Ukraine war marks a significant development in international efforts to resolve the conflict. As China maintains close ties with Russia, its role in persuading Russia to cease hostilities and withdraw from Ukraine holds immense importance. The diplomatic engagement between Germany and China demonstrates the global significance of finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis, and the world eagerly awaits further developments in this crucial endeavor.

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