Top Performing and Underperforming Stocks of the Week

Indonesian Stock Exchange witnessed varied and predominantly bearish movements in the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) throughout this week's tradin
"Stock illustration. BSI stock continues to rise despite days of service errors. (Shutterstock/Freedomz)"
"Stock illustration. BSI stock continues to rise despite days of service errors. (Shutterstock/Freedomz)"

Indonesian Stock Exchange witnessed varied and predominantly bearish movements in the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) throughout this week's trading period. The period from May 22 to May 26, 2023, saw the national stock index weaken by 0.20 percent to reach 6,687.00. Alongside this correction, the market capitalization of the stock exchange also declined. The Indonesian Stock Exchange reported a decrease of 0.21 percent in market capitalization, amounting to Rp 9,484.16 trillion. Despite the market volatility, certain stocks stood out for their impressive performance. These stocks originated from various sectors, including energy, finance, and transportation.

Based on data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Mitra Energi Persada Tbk (KOPI) emerged as the top gainer of the week. The stock price of this issuer surged by 69.54 percent to reach Rp 590 per share. Following closely, Ulima Nitra Tbk (UNIQ) experienced a 56.67 percent increase, reaching Rp 94. In the third position among the top gainers of the week, Indo Straits Tbk (PTIS) witnessed a growth of 43.80 percent to reach Rp 394.

List of High-Performing Stocks this Week

1. KOPI: Stock price increased by 69.54 percent

2. UNIQ: Stock price increased by 56.67 percent

3. PTIS: Stock price increased by 43.80 percent

4. PSDN: Stock price increased by 39.06 percent

5. JMAS: Stock price increased by 38.46 percent

6. DILD: Stock price increased by 32.99 percent

7. NICL: Stock price increased by 29.73 percent

8. CHIP: Stock price increased by 28.67 percent

9. GIAA: Stock price increased by 27.45 percent

10. MENN: Stock price increased by 25.64 percent

On the other hand, Venteny Fortuna International Tbk (VTNY) experienced the highest decline in stock price this week. The VTNY stock decreased by 28.87 percent over the span of a week, falling from Rp 284 to Rp 202 per share. Additionally, Indosterling Technomedia Tbk (TECH) dropped by 27.78 percent, declining from Rp 90 to Rp 65 per share. In the third position among the top losers of the week, Total Bangun Persada Tbk (TOTL) witnessed a decrease of 27.36 percent, declining from Rp 90 to Rp 65.

List of Underperforming Stocks this Week

1. VTNY: Stock price decreased by 28.87 percent

2. TECH: Stock price decreased by 27.78 percent

3. TOTL: Stock price decreased by 27.36 percent

4. AMAN: Stock price decreased by 24.06 percent

5. UVCR: Stock price decreased by 23.33 percent

6. VAST: Stock price decreased by 22.78 percent

7. WGSH: Stock price decreased by 22.42 percent

8. UANG: Stock price decreased by 18.85 percent

9. CASH: Stock price decreased by 18.18 percent

10. DOOH: Stock price decreased by 17.78 percent.

In conclusion, the Indonesian stock market experienced a predominantly bearish week with the Composite Stock Price Index weakening. However, amid this market volatility, certain stocks managed to deliver exceptional performance, while others faced significant declines. Investors should closely monitor the market trends and conduct thorough analysis before making investment decisions.

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The best of humanity is the one who is most beneficial to others. When someone has passed away, their deeds are severed except for three things: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for their paren…
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