Earning Money from YouTube Made Easier: New Monetization Requirements Explained

Earning money through YouTube has become more accessible than ever before, we will explore the new requirements for creators who wish to join the YPP.
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Earning money through YouTube has become more accessible than ever before. YouTube recently revised its monetization requirements under the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), offering content creators more flexibility. One significant change is the reduction in the minimum number of subscribers required to qualify for monetization, dropping from 1,000 to just 500 subscribers. Additionally, YouTube has simplified other eligibility criteria. In this article, we will explore the new requirements for creators who wish to join the YPP and monetize their content effectively.

New Monetization Requirements for YouTube Partner Program (YPP)

To become eligible for the YPP and gain access to YouTube's monetization features, creators must fulfill the following criteria:

1. 500 Subscribers: Creators need a minimum of 500 subscribers on their YouTube channel.

2. 3 Videos in the Last 90 Days: Creators must have uploaded at least three videos within the last 90 days.

3. 3,000 Watch Hours in the Last Year or 3 Million Shorts Views in the Last 90 Days: Creators must accumulate a total of 3,000 watch hours within the past year or receive 3 million views on their Shorts videos within the last 90 days.

If users meet the requirements mentioned above, they can apply to become YPP creators. By joining the YPP, users gain access to various monetization features on YouTube, including Super Thanks, Super Chat, Super Stickers, channel membership, and the ability to promote their merchandise through YouTube Shopping. Initially implemented in the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Canada, Taiwan, and South Korea, these changes will eventually be applied to other countries participating in the YPP program.

Compared to the previous criteria, the new requirements are significantly more attainable. Previously, creators needed a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past year or 10 million Shorts views within the last 90 days to qualify for the YPP.

Monetizing YouTube Shorts

YouTube has extended its monetization opportunities to include Shorts, the platform's short-form video content. This policy change came into effect on February 1st. To monetize Shorts, users must be part of the YPP and specifically agree to the "Shorts Monetization Module."

Regarding revenue sharing, advertisements will appear between YouTube Shorts videos in the Shorts Feed. These ads will not interrupt Shorts videos, which have a maximum duration of 15 to 60 seconds. Each month, the ad revenue generated from Shorts videos belonging to eligible creators in a specific region will be accumulated and collected before being distributed. However, a portion of this revenue will be deducted first to cover music licensing fees (if Shorts use copyrighted music). After deducting the fees, creators will receive 45% of the remaining revenue, which will be distributed based on their share of total Shorts views.


YouTube's updated monetization requirements have made it easier for content creators to earn money from their videos. With a reduced subscriber threshold and simplified eligibility criteria, more creators will have the opportunity to join the YouTube Partner Program and access monetization features such as Super Thanks, Super Chat, Super Stickers, channel membership, and merchandise promotion through YouTube Shopping. Moreover, YouTube Shorts, the platform's short-form content, can now also be monetized, providing additional revenue streams for creators. By embracing these changes, creators can enhance their earning potential and further engage their audience on YouTube.

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The best of humanity is the one who is most beneficial to others. When someone has passed away, their deeds are severed except for three things: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for their paren…
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