Hot Weather Alert: Singapore's Temperature Soars up to 34 Degrees Celsius

Singapore residents can expect warmer and more humid nights in the first two weeks of June 2023 as the southwest monsoon season gradually takes hold o
"Illustration of global temperatures. WMO predicts the average Earth's air temperature will increase in the next five years. (SHUTTERSTOCK/Berke)"
"Illustration of global temperatures. WMO predicts the average Earth's air temperature will increase in the next five years. (SHUTTERSTOCK/Berke)"

Singapore residents can expect warmer and more humid nights in the first two weeks of June 2023 as the southwest monsoon season gradually takes hold of the region, according to the Singapore Meteorological Service in a press release on June 1. The southwest monsoon typically lasts until September and is generally a drier season compared to other times of the year.

Brief local thunderstorms may still occur in some parts of the island in the late afternoon during the first two weeks of June. As reported by Mothership, on certain days, Sumatran storms may bring widespread thunderstorms and strong winds between the early hours and morning. The total rainfall for the first half of June 2023 is likely to be close to the average across most parts of Singapore. Daily maximum temperatures are estimated to range between 33 and 34 degrees Celsius almost every day. On one or two days when cloud cover decreases, the daily maximum temperature may reach around 35 degrees Celsius. Nights are also expected to be warm and humid.

Warm nights typically occur when winds blow from the southeast or south, bringing warm and moist air from the sea.

During these warm nights, temperatures may remain above 29 degrees Celsius, especially in the southern and eastern coastal areas of the island.

The Arrival of the Southwest Monsoon Season

The southwest monsoon season marks a significant shift in weather patterns for Singapore. It is characterized by the prevailing winds blowing from the southeast or south, originating from the warm waters of the equatorial region. These winds bring moisture and warmth, resulting in increased humidity and higher temperatures.

Impact on Rainfall and Thunderstorms

As the southwest monsoon settles in, Singapore experiences a decrease in rainfall compared to other seasons. However, localized thunderstorms can still occur, providing temporary relief from the heat. These thunderstorms are often short-lived but can bring heavy rainfall within a short period. It is advisable to stay updated with weather forecasts and take necessary precautions during these episodes of inclement weather.

Temperature Outlook

During the first two weeks of June 2023, Singaporeans can anticipate maximum daily temperatures ranging from 33 to 34 degrees Celsius. These high temperatures are expected to persist almost every day, contributing to the overall warmth experienced throughout the island. On exceptionally clear days, temperatures may even reach around 35 degrees Celsius. It is crucial to stay hydrated, seek shade, and limit outdoor activities during the hottest hours of the day to avoid heat-related illnesses.

Enjoying Warm and Humid Nights

The warmer nights accompanying the southwest monsoon season offer a unique experience for Singapore residents. As winds blow from the southeast or south, the island receives warm and moist air from the surrounding seas. This phenomenon contributes to the higher humidity levels, making the nights feel more sultry and tropical.

Coastal Areas: A Hotspot for Warm Nights

If you reside in the southern and eastern coastal regions of Singapore, you can expect nights to be particularly warm, with temperatures likely to stay above 29 degrees Celsius. The proximity to the sea amplifies the influence of the warm and moist air, creating a microclimate that retains heat during the nighttime hours. Prepare for warm nights by using fans or air conditioning to maintain comfort while sleeping.

Embracing the Southwest Monsoon

The arrival of the southwest monsoon season brings changes to Singapore's weather, including higher temperatures, increased humidity, and a decrease in rainfall. Understanding these shifts enables residents to adapt and make the most of the prevailing climate conditions. Stay informed about weather updates, follow recommended safety guidelines, and make adjustments to your daily routines to stay comfortable during this period.


As Singapore transitions into the southwest monsoon season, expect hotter days and warm, humid nights in the first two weeks of June 2023. With daily temperatures reaching up to 34 degrees Celsius and occasional thunderstorms providing temporary relief, it is essential to stay prepared and take measures to beat the heat. Embrace the unique experience of the warm nights, particularly in the coastal areas, and make the most of this season while ensuring your well-being and comfort.

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The best of humanity is the one who is most beneficial to others. When someone has passed away, their deeds are severed except for three things: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for their paren…
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